
repost and pretend it's yours.

Multiple Choice:
This Wednesday come and check out one of the following at the Alibi Room:
a) A free punch in the face.
b) Wet t-shirt contest, hosted by Corey Haim and Hulk Hogan.
c) Live jams from The Hideaway Jug Band!!! and a really crappy but fun set with real records with El Scumador and dj shitty!!!...and much much more!!! with no cover from 9-12 at the Alibi Room on 157 Alexander St. located in Vancouver, BC, Canada.
d) a live performance of U'r dead 2 me
Promotional poster to follow.


it ain't whiteboy day

Did some totally not gay shit the past couple of days; skating down a hill. and won some money in poker. not gay.

game 8


poker momento-wise, felt scarf. castonguay.


If you haven't been watching the Cardiel shit on epicly later'd you're later'd, to say the least. This dude is so next level. nutbar. great video part.


headcolds'n' brew

Thats not pen, Drunkmike went a got himself a new set-up. Good work!

Serious Cranium battles last night. Being the first timer that I be, wiping my butt with the competition was only natural.

Leeroy "ffff...pphhh....ffff...fuck what the fuck is this!?"
What condition my condition was in = not good.


this dude has what it takes, for something.